Photo Plasma

Photo Plasma by Perricone MD is a very unique moisturizer with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30.

But, what is Photo Plasma and how is it going to protect my skin?

I must admit that I’m more inclined to pay big bucks for items with science-like names.

I must also admit that I’m not exactly sure what the term “photo plasma” means. We hear of blood plasma or plasma televisions, but I’m not quite sure how plasma is defined as it relates to skincare.

Here is my understanding of what this product aims to do. Please feel free to chime in.

Photo means light. Plasma is a state of matter, but it’s also a neutral medium. The name Photo Plasma is intended as a description of the barrier this moisturizer is intended to provide against environmental damages.

The product itself is pretty good. It’s a salmon colored cream with whipped-like consistency.

I had always been weary of Perricone products because of seeing the words “fishy smell” in multiple reviews. It’s definitely not true in this case. There’s a very subtle sunscreen scent to this product, but there’s definitely no fragrance added.

I would not have picked up on the oil free aspect had it not been mentioned on the box. The cream is very rich and emollient.

Titanium dioxide is listed as the main ingredient. This might be an issue for folks with sensitive, acne prone skin since titanium dioxide can results in breakouts.

I personally did not experience any acne or skin sensitivity, but it did make me much oiler than usual.

I purchased my travel size (0.5 fluid ounces) at Sephora for $20.00. The full size (2.0 fluid ounces) costs $69 bucks. The Perricone MD skincare range is widely available and can be found at stores such as Sephora, Ulta, as well as many department stores and online.

This is a great moisturizer for dry skin all year round. Despite being oil free, I would not recommend it for people with oily skin, especially in the summer when we’re all a tad bit oilier to begin with.

Overall, well done, Dr. Perricone!